Permission To Be Human - the podcast

Permission To Be Human - the podcast

Hosted by: Mel Findlater

Welcome to Permission To Be Human where we tap back into the human part of being a mom with big audacious dreams. If you have a dream simmering under the surface but you keep questioning whether you should pursue it,...

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Episode 15 - We Are Nature, learnings from the IPPA World Congress

In this episode your host, Mel Findlater, updates you on her experience at the International Positive Psychology Association's World Congress, which was recently held in Vancouver, BC.  Positive Psychology is the...
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Episode 14 - Practical tools for feeling good and bouncing back better, expert interview with Kari Gormley

In this expert interview with Kari Gormley, we not only hear about her incredible story as a mother being resilient and pursuing her big, audacious dreams, but we also get some really practical, researched back ways...
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Episode 13: what to do when self care is taking the back burner with Lina Braun

Lina Braun is such a gentle and loving mom who is so easy to identify with. Having taken care of everyone for so long and neglected herself, she has a complete transformation of mind and body and starts to dream big...
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Episode 12: When your big, audacious dream comes as a surprise with Jenelle Wakeman

In this episode I interview Jenelle Wakeman, a mom who overcame many challenges to get back to her best self and find a new big, audacious dream in the process. Jenelle is a working mom of two young kids who is...
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Episode 11 - Permission to want to be mom and more

In this episode I talk about how so many of us mothers, myself included, have this often secret desire, craving, a whisper even, to be mom and more. We discuss mattering, purpose, meaning, and why it is so important...
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Episode 10 - How nature relates to your big, audacious dream, with Jena Jauchius

If you like this episode on nature, be sure to check out episode 9's micro episode and join us in the #permissiontonoticenature challenge. Meet Jena Jauchius, mom of twins and a landscape architect and owner of N is...
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Micro Episode 9 - A research based 10 day challenge #PermissionToNoticeNature

In this first of many micro episodes, we have a look at a piece of research that was completed on noticing nature and leave you with a 10 day challenge of a super simple but oh so worthy task to do throughout your day...
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Episode 8: Retraining brains and how to find you again after giving so much with Darci Hawxhurst

In this episode with see the seemingly impossible in action. We interview Darci Hawxhurst, M.S.Ed. who is a founding member of certified MAF Method Health Coaches, a member of the Conscious Feminine Leadership...
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Episode 7 - How to connect with your big, audacious dream

In this episode Mel talks you through 3 steps to connecting with your big, audacious dream.....because here's the thing, we can say it and believe it sounds great all we want but how do you actually do it? In this...
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Episode 6 - how pursuing your dreams is exactly what your kids need with Anna Wolfman

Anna Wolfman of Femunify chats to us about what it has been like to know she wants something different and to pursue it even though she wasn't sure exactly what the idea would be. We talk about fears, taking the leap...
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Episode 5 - what to do when your stories are no longer serving you

In this episode we will dig into the stories we tell ourselves, explore whether they are serving us, and how to shift them if they are not. You will get a description of the ever important self care triangle, which...
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Episode 4: Using Havening to get unstuck from our stories with Caryl Williams Love

Today we interview Caryl Williams Love, a having practitioner who is seriously like magic. Her knowledge of the brain and how to rewire it and our unhelpful stories to serve us better astounds me and is so so useful....
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