Episode 93 - Taking Courageous Action with Jena Jauchius

In this episode we meet Jena Jauchius, again! I enjoy our conversatiosn so much that when I heard that she was running Sensory Kids By Nature Summit, I simply had to have her on the podcast again. Not only is the topic so so relevant to us as humans, but also to us as mothers. There is so much good info in there. In this conversation Jena speaks to how she managed to take this courageous step, how hard it was, and how starting small helped her get into action.


Jena Ponti Jauchius bio

My big, audacious dream is to have an ultra successful business and support as many children and families as I can with health, happiness, and connection through sensory-rich natural play and learning. I also dream of providing beautifully for my daughters, giving them the kind of childhood they need to grow into the biggest, best versions of themselves. (I also want this to include world travel, lots of freedom, and all the fun surprises life has to offer us.)

Connect with Jena

Check out the free summit here https://mailchi.mp/nisfornatureplay/sensorykidsbynaturesummit2025jan

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/nisfornatureplay

Sensory-Rich Nature Play Private FB Group https://www.facebook.com/groups/sensoryrichnatureplay

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/nisfornatureplay/


Connect with Mel:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need a dose of courage. Let’s spread the word and help more moms feel inspired to pursue their big, audacious dreams!

Remember: You have permission to dream big, to feel deeply, and to be authentically you. Embrace your humanity and live courageously.

And if courage is the muscle that you are craving to grow. If doing it while laughing and join the waitlist for our next launch!  https://www.permissiontobehuman.ca/thecourageclub