Episode 92 - Rerun Of The Most Popular - What to do when self care is taking the back burner with Lina Braun

This is a rerun of one of our most popular podcast episodes, on a topic that is near and dear to my heart right now - self care. Or as I think of it more is noticing our own needs and deciding what to do with it. So, while I 'winter' over here, recover from my cold, and listen to my bodies shouts for rest, you get to listen to the incredible Lina Braun, from way back on episode 13! 

Lina Braun is such a gentle and loving mom who is so easy to identify with. Having taken care of everyone for so long and neglected herself, she has a complete transformation of mind and body and starts to dream big again. Join us for an honest conversation about her journey.

You can connect with Lina and cheer her on with her creative dreams over on instagram @linabraunsocial

Connect with Mel:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need a dose of courage. Let’s spread the word and help more moms feel inspired to pursue their big, audacious dreams!

Remember: You have permission to dream big, to feel deeply, and to be authentically you. Embrace your humanity and live courageously.

And if courage is the muscle that you are craving to grow. If doing it while laughing and join the waitlist for our next launch!  https://www.permissiontobehuman.ca/thecourageclub