A letter to the women out there
Mel: Welcome to Permission to be Human, the podcast. I'm your host Mel Findlater mother, coach, and curator of Permission to be Human, the company and community. If you're a mom, know a mom, or want to be a mom, and you crave getting out in the world to make a difference, then you're in the right place. This is a space for moms like you to connect with yourself, your purpose, and your big audacious dreams.
Because when you feel your best, you can better you, your family, and the wider world. Let's do this.
Hey everyone. You've got me again. And today I wanted to share a little something with you in an effort for imperfect action. I was invited.
By chat GPT. Let's be honest. To [00:01:00] share a letter with you. And to have a letter to the moms out there, a letter to the women out there in the world who are mothering. A letter to you, that listeners and. I was thinking of reflecting on what that could be. And I realized I've kind of already written it. And I wrote it as a manifesto that is beautifully imperfect and not yet complete. And yet I want to share it with you anyways, because.
It is my heart.
It is the message and the beliefs that I really. I want you to hear how amazing you are and how life could be. So. This is a manifesto. For permission to be human and for all the women out there and all the mothering and various things that we do. Here you go.
Take [00:02:00] space for you. It's the most unselfish thing. To do. Notice the tiny things. Choose what you notice. Dream big. And take tiny courageous steps.
Courage is a skill. And it can be learned.
Everything. Is more fun together.
Life is one education. Seek to learn constantly. And know that anything is possible. Rewild with the nature around us. Take our notes from the trees and the rivers. And the ocean.
Bring the right people together in the right space. And simply watch the magic happen.
Bean is just as important. As doing. [00:03:00]
Space is where nothing happens. And everything happens.
Humans are designed to do something bigger than themselves. Together with others.
play even the most serious parts of life can be disrupted with joy.
See what needs changing and go change it.
See what we need more of. Make it happen. We are whole people beyond our titles and roles. And within them.
We are meant to live this life together.
Find the people with whom you can be alone. Together. We all need to be witnessed and to be. Witness to the work that is life and growth. [00:04:00]
You matter.
We matter.
You belong
we belong.
And that's for you. That is. The grand sum of so much of what I believe and so much about what we. Speak of on this podcast in an, all the work that I do over at permission to be human and. I encourage you to listen to it. And to reflect upon what sits well with you. What does it mean for you?
And as tempted as I am to say, what do you want to do with it? Actually my invitation is to just be. With it. And this is a super short podcast on [00:05:00] purpose. You can listen to it again. Maybe in slow motion. And simply allow your thoughts to be.
Okay. Thank you for listening. This is my love letter to you. And everything you are and will be. and do
Mel: That is it, folks. This has been Mel Findlater on Permission to Be Human, the podcast, and I am so glad that you have joined us here today and hope that you have taken away some tidbits that will help you go away, connect with your big audacious dream, and make that massive impact in the world that you are dying to make.
If you liked today's episode, please, please, please like it, share it. Think of one person. Think of one person that you think would also like it and send it on over to them. Let's get this [00:06:00] out there and more moms feeling like themselves. Inspired, dreaming big, and out there being them. Please do head on over to find me on Facebook with permission to be human or Instagram or you can even Off me an email and say hello.
Have permission to be human, always, at gmail. com. Say hello and let me know that you listened. What did you like about it? I would love to hear. If you didn't like it, I don't really want to know. Ha ha, just kidding, you can share that if you want. I would love to know, however, who you are. Let's connect.
Let's find out what you want more of. I want to hear from you and I want to make it what would be useful to you. As always, remember that you have permission to dream big, permission to feel big, and permission to be you. You [00:07:00] have complete and full permission to be human.
For real, you do.