Episode 87 - Permission To Rest
Mel: [00:00:00] Welcome to Permission to be Human, the podcast. I'm your host Mel Findlater mother, coach, and curator of Permission to be Human, the company and community. If you're a mom, know a mom, or want to be a mom, and you crave getting out in the world to make a difference, then you're in the right place. This is a space for moms like you to connect with yourself, your purpose, and your big audacious dreams.
Because when you feel your best, you can better you, your family, and the wider world. Let's do this.
Hello, my lovely ladies and other listeners. I am coming to you today. Somewhat exhausted. I'm going to be honest. And I tell you this, because I think there is some learning in sharing. That [00:01:00] this happens in our lives to these stages happen or life's where. We are tired. We don't have what we need.
Or the support. That we need or the.
You know, the phase in our life. Doesn't give us this space, perhaps. And. I want to be able to give permission to rest.
And I thought I'd share a little bit of my story in my current space right now. In a very short episode. Too.
I guess in the hopes that it will also give you permission to rest, if this is where you are. I'm reading this beautiful book right now by Catherine May called wintergreen. And the power of rest and retreat in difficult times.
And it [00:02:00] really speaks to this concept. I, I simply love. The word wintering. And using it as a verb.
And in conversations. Uh, with my daughter, we talk about. How, you know, this time of year, it is.
It is winter. It is cold and our natural instinct. As. Humans and as animals is to retreat and to reflect. And to take that space. Right. It's not necessarily to go have the big adventure. For many of us at this. Time of the year or perhaps it's a time of life.
And it's okay. It's okay to slow down.
And so my experience with this at the moment, and this is me telling myself just as much as [00:03:00] any. That I have this permission. Is that if you. Anybody who knows me, or has been listening for a while. I've had such amazing energy. For September, October, even a chunk of November. Of momentum. Right. The podcast is going really well. I spoken to some amazing people.
I have been running the courage club and, and, uh, I kind of launched the founding members part of that, and that is full of laughter and joy. And. Success. And I. I really, really enjoyed it. And had all these plans. All these plans to go big in January. And to go big in December. And right now, luckily I've done all the prep work. When I did have the momentum to run this courageous kindness challenge. That's running in the background right [00:04:00] now. With me doing these bits of kindness, myself. Along the way instead of. You know, pushing, pushing, pushing. Uh, I'm, I'm simply enjoying the ride of that.
And. Aye. Find myself totally shifting in energy the last two or three weeks. Uh, partly. Yeah. There's things in my actual life, you know, external circumstances that, uh, are taking a lot of my attention, but it's also, you know, before those even happen, I can feel that I could feel that shift. In what you know, who I need to be right now. And this exact moment in this season, whatever that means. And. I'm tired and I want to winter.
And it made me realize that if that's how I am, that's probably how many of you are as well. Whether that's right now, or it will [00:05:00] come. December is such a beautiful month. I love.
The aspects of winter. I love Christmas for, for me, who celebrates that and. The joy and magic that it can bring my family. And it also comes with. You know, extra.
Mental capacity, extra, like the load. Becomes bigger. Right to think of all these things. And that's totally okay. And it can be exhausting too. So I realized that January is not the time to be launching into some big project. It is for any of us, for me, or for those who might attend. So I've. Made the decisions for December to not work at all, except for getting this podcast out, which I'm going to be. Recording the next few episodes and editing and doing them that in the coming days.
And then allowing myself a really nice big break. [00:06:00] And then for January, February, March, I am going to give myself the space to do the deep inner work and. For that to be my work.
And it makes me think, you know, a lot of the times on this podcast, we talk about. You know, your, your mothers or women who mother who have big. Audacious dreams. We talk about that. Right. And it, and I often think of that as like this external project or our thing. And right now, you know, I'm, I'm coming to the conclusion that at some times, The big audacious dream and the big audacious goal and thing that we're working on is ourselves. And so that's actually it right now.
It's it's me. I am the biggest Asia stream. Right. And getting myself to a space where I've healed those. Uh, you know, inner wounds and I've, I feel.
Like I'm [00:07:00] able to, you know, get stressed and come back quickly. And I feel.
MI. Right. Um, so yeah, my big audacious dream right now is to do that hard in our work and to, uh, really connect in with myself and give my self, the space to do that without, uh, destruction of. Others. And, you know, we. In injuries on here. Um, Or in topics on the podcast? I. Either interview, you know, mum's living their big audacious dream or a, or I often say I interview others like experts who. Have something, a conversation or a topic or a science back tool that we can. Dig into to help. People who aren't in this space who are in survival, who aren't in this space debate, dream big. Um, and I think this [00:08:00] one's for you.
Like if you're in a space similar to me, Where actually survival mode is not, uh, Uh, time to be. Dreaming of big other projects necessarily. Uh, and actually the big audacious dream can be you. And giving yourself the space to do that. I am going to be flat reflecting over the next while about what that looks like for me. Ah, you know, it's not sitting and watching Netflix. Every day necessarily, although there may be a dare to book that's exactly what's needed. Um, but you know, reading some of these amazing books on my wall or shelf behind me here. And I just bought a.
Uh, an art class. Um, a watercolor class that I would like to go through. And there's this book, the artist's way, which really talks you through doing some of this work and uses art as a, as a real tool for it. And, you know, I don't know, I don't know what it's going to look [00:09:00] like yet, but I'm kind of excited for it. Uh, which is more than I can say. I have felt for the last, uh, little while in my, uh, anxiety and stress and exhaustion. So.
This is for you and for me, This one. To give you permission to rest. If you're all. You know, in this space where that's, what you really crave. Having a big audacious dream. And the way we talk about it on here is not about putting pressure on you to do more. Right. If you're in a space where you are the project, right?
You are the, the work. That you need to focus on right now, then, then start there. The possibility and the dreams and the goals. We'll come. From there. Uh, we don't, we don't need to add them on top. Um, so permission to rest.
And do. [00:10:00] Do the work. On you. Have an amazing, amazing. Day. And weak.
Mel: That is it, folks. This has been Mel Findlater on Permission to Be Human, the podcast, and I am so glad that you have joined us here today and hope that you have taken away some tidbits that will help you go away, connect with your big audacious dream, and make that massive impact in the world that you are dying to make.
If you liked today's episode, please, please, please like it, share it. Think of one person. Think of one person that you think would also like it and send it on over to them. Let's get this out there and more moms feeling like themselves. Inspired, dreaming big, and out there being them. Please do head on over to find me on Facebook with [00:11:00] permission to be human or Instagram or you can even Off me an email and say hello.
Have permission to be human, always, at gmail. com. Say hello and let me know that you listened. What did you like about it? I would love to hear. If you didn't like it, I don't really want to know. Ha ha, just kidding, you can share that if you want. I would love to know, however, who you are. Let's connect.
Let's find out what you want more of. I want to hear from you and I want to make it what would be useful to you. As always, remember that you have permission to dream big, permission to feel big, and permission to be you. You have complete and full permission to be human.
For real, you do.