episode 79 - Making everyday magic and why it matters with Ruth Brannan

I'm excited to introduce you to my very good friend, Ruth Brannan. I've been wanting to do an episode on everyday magic for a while now and Ruth us exactly the person that always comes to mind on this topic. From wearing a cape to hanging with a yarn bombed bike, Ruth has a unique gift of using play to build relationships and enable people of all abilities to be themselves and reach their potential. 

Ruth Brannan has had a lifetime full of inspiring work. After leaving her teaching job because she saw the potential for a less formal way of learning and reaching human potential, Ruth moved on to many roles supporting humans of all abilities to discover who they are and to achieve what many thought wasn't possible. She has such a unique and playful way of building relationship and seeing possibility. She supported a group of people with mixed abilities to start up You Can Bike Too, where everyone can ride a bike, in Cambridgeshire, UK. The unique way she sees the world and encourages us all to play in it is exactly what this world needs more of. 

Connect with Ruth

[email protected]

Here's a link to a magazine publication about You Can Bike Too, one of the projects Ruth helped set up 


If you are near Cambridgeshire England check out You Can Bike Too  https://www.miltoncountrypark.org/ycbt

Connect with Mel:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need a dose of courage. Let’s spread the word and help more moms feel inspired to pursue their big, audacious dreams!

Remember: You have permission to dream big, to feel deeply, and to be authentically you. Embrace your humanity and live courageously.

And if courage is the muscle that you are craving to grow. If doing it while laughing and trying new things with others is what you need. Then check out The Courage Club (currently on Vancouver Island). Join the waitlist for our Jan launch!  https://www.permissiontobehuman.ca/thecourageclub