Episode 66 - Building Your Courage Muscle

In this empowering episode of Permission To Be Human, Mel Findlater delves into the essence of courage. Discover how courage is not the absence of fear, but the presence of fear and taking action anyway. Mel shares insightful research and personal anecdotes on building the courage muscle and embracing your fears.

Episode Highlights:

  • Understanding Courage: Learn why courage is about facing fear and acting despite it, not in its absence.
  • Taking Small Steps: Mel encourages listeners to take small, tangible actions towards their dreams, even when they feel afraid.
  • Actionable Tips: Find out how to create a list of fear-inducing yet exciting tasks and tackle them with the support of friends or family.
  • Embracing New Experiences: Hear Mel's story of trying new things, from sound healing sessions to culinary adventures, and the impact these experiences had on her courage.
  • Building a Courage Crew: Mel discusses the importance of having a support system to help you step out of your comfort zone and embrace new challenges.

Call to Action: Mel challenges listeners to identify five things that excite and scare them, and to take action on these items. Share your journey with friends, family, or even with Mel herself on social media or via email.

Connect with Mel:

If you enjoyed this episode, please share it with a friend who might need a dose of courage. Let’s spread the word and help more moms feel inspired to pursue their big, audacious dreams!

Remember: You have permission to dream big, to feel deeply, and to be authentically you. Embrace your humanity and live courageously.

Perhaps your first courageous act is to share your dream with Mel through The Dream Haven? Visit https://www.permissiontobehuman.ca/the-dream-haven