Episode 50 - Rising up and embodying your true feminine self with Pamela Boechler

In this honest and open conversation with Pamela Boechler, we look back at Pamela's life including travelling, living in Belize, living through an abusive relationship and moving back to Canada with her then infant to be a single mother all leading to her reconnecting with herself in order to discover her own big, audacious dream of empowering women to rise up and embody your true feminine self. 

Here's how Pamela Boechler described herself:

I'm a physiotherapist, business owner, entrepreneur, and single mother. I'm passionate about health, the human body, yoga, mediations and other ancient wisdoms and traditions to help bring optimal wellness and vitality within myself and to all humans.

You can find out more about Pamela and get in touch with her at 



* May 12th is our 1 year anniversary party for this podcast!! There will be daily podcast episodes, fb and instagram lives on specific tools to help with overwhelm, and even prizes. 

Follow us on fb and/or insta to see the lives



And....we will be having a Ask Me Anything session so please do pop me an email with any questions you'd love for me to answer. [email protected]