Episode 26 - How to change careers even when you don't know what you want to do with Elspeth Fimpel

Sometimes, we're not sure what our big, audacious dream is until we simply start. In this episode, Elspeth Fimpel shares her story of leaving her corporate job before knowing exactly what she wanted to do. Instead, she followed her gut and did what felt good. Today, 2 years later, Elspeth runs Joyful Outdoors, where she works with businesses and individuals to get out into the British nature, explore the wild, forage, navigate, and even partake in some laughter yoga. It is through forging her own path by instinct that she has created this unique business and is a much happier and healthier person and mother. 

You can find out more about Elspeth at www.joyfuloutdoors.co.uk or Joyful Outdoors on Facebook.