About me
Hi, I’m Mel! I believe that as humans we are designed to do something bigger than ourselves, together with others

The short version:
Everyday I become a little bit closer to figuring out who I am and who I want to be. Having 2 young kids, moving across the world during a pandemic, and managing the anxiety and disconnection that came with it eventually led me to being more happy and confident with who I am then I ever have been. How?
Knowledge + connection + a space to be human = growth
Basically, I found a new home, be it digital, that gave me all three of those things an slowly I remembered who I am and who I want to be. It was a course in Applied Positive Psychology.
Sure, I still have triggers, I still feel all the feels, AND I’m good with it. I have given myself permission to be human.
Now, I want to help others to give themselves that permission too by providing knowledge, connection, and a space to be human.
Longer version:
I have always felt different, a misfit who always asks why, who never wants to do one thing but many, who never much liked small talk but loves the complexities of people, and who has always wanted to make a positive impact on the world.
Born in Canada, I grew up in Langley BC, then went to university on Vancouver Island and received my BA in Child and Youth Care. It prepped me to work with children youth and families…so basically everyone!
I then lived in the UK for the first 14 years of my adulthood. There I met some incredible people who took our skills and passion in working in the disability charity world and created many socially good projects under our The You Can Hub CIC name. We ran monthly Misfit Local events, supported everyone to get cycling with You Can Bike Too, delivered creativity and storytelling training, coached individuals, and more. From there I started Ordinary Superparents, a business and community of ordinary parents who chose an adventure mindset.
In March 2020 I left it all behind and moved back to Vancouver Island.
With everything I’ve learned from my experiences and know the additional knowledge from my Applied Positive Psychology and Coaching courses, I feel that it is my calling to help others give themselves permission to be human, rediscover who they are, and be their best selves. If we first connect with ourselves, we can then go create the good in the world that we are here for.
I love:
- my family
- finding ordinary adventures (hiking, camping, walking down new paths, jumping in puddles…)
- community and the vibes of people when they are together supporting each other
- playing soccer
- Play :)